Xan & Bob

A year of clicking Publish and holding my breath

WOOHOO!! YIPPEE!! Today is the one year anniversary of my blog. One year! We had been here only 3 weeks at the time. Those first 3 weeks were absolutely crazy and when I look back at all we were trying to accomplish and the struggle to get WiFi and well to be honest I am surprised that I got my website set up and actually went live so quickly.

Since then I have read so many questions and comments in the various blogging groups I belong to of people asking how many posts that should have written before they go live. Or that they have a lot of posts written but they are so scared about publishing them.

When I went live I only had the first post written. Was I nervous? Yes, of course I was. I made sure that the social media links and the About and Contact page were set up. I typed the first post and clicked the publish button. And held my breath! Some days I still do.

Would anyone read it? Would they like what I wrote? Would they come back and read future posts? Would I get “likes”? Would I get followers? Would anyone comment? Well, the answer to all of these is (thankfully) yes. So THANK YOU!! I really appreciate all of your support.

Every single day is a blank slate. Some days there is so much to write about or gorgeous photos to share. Some new part of this adventure we are on to share with you. But then there is just everyday life. Ordinary days. There are days that I struggle with what to write. Bob will probably tell you that I tend to overthink things sometimes. It seems that on those days that I struggle for an idea I have this crazy feeling that whatever I write in that particular post has to be profound and thought provoking. The truth is…it doesn’t. Whether it is a long post or a short one I just need to write from my heart and click that publish button. Oh, and hold my breath. 😉

This whole writing thing is new for me. I’ve had a dream of writing for many years. This blog is just the beginning.

So, a HUGE thank you to all of you! If you read something that you like please feel free to hit the like button, leave a comment, and tell me what you think. I would love to hear from you!

I look forward to continuing to share this adventure (and even the ordinary days) with you. I hope you enjoy it.

Cheers! Here’s to clicking the Publish button…and holding my breath! ♥♥

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