
A Snail’s Pace

We’re deep into the lazy, hazy days of summer. There sometimes seems to be a rush to make sure we fill the day with activity. But perhaps we need to slow down. Perhaps we need to take a lesson from a snail’s pace.

If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

~Vincent Van Gogh

My walks often find me stopping to take photos of early morning activities in nature. Ants that always seem to need some foliage on the opposite side of the path from where their nest is. The bees waking early to make the most of gathering pollen. And the snails that are either deep in their slumber or just waking and making their way to a damp place to wait out the summer heat.

I’m not sure why the snails capture my attention so easily. I often see them stretching out and the slight movement causes me to stop and pause and observe.

I like to think that these two will always stay together.

If we all slow down a bit and perhaps follow a little snail yoga to start our day…it may just relax us.

Snail Yoga

Are these snail trees?

The image below makes me smile. We all need some flowers in our lives. Why not rest beneath one and wake to something that will make you smile? What I didn’t notice at the time was the ant crawling up the stem (look below the copyright on the left side of the stem). Is he the wake up call?

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

~Lao Tzu

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